6 good practices for those who are working from Home

While we are all fighting to prevent invading a common enemy, Covid-19, by keeping social distancing and working from home, it becomes absolutely necessary for everyone to remain productive, and immediately adjust in the new setting. Everyone, especially extroverts, are not at all used to stay at home 24*7 and it becomes important that the remote working, lock-downs and home-quarantine don't affect their mental well-being. Here are the 6 good practices for employees who are working from home

C#: Null Conditional and Null Coalescing operators

Developers often face null reference exceptions when they reference null object or forgets to make null checks. In real time software and web applications, null data are more common. Developers working on such software or applications have to make sure that a value (or variable) which is expecting a non-null value should in no case gets one. They write validation codes for the same, usually using conditional statements like if.

Implementation of basic spell suggester like Google’s “Did you mean?”

“Search” has become an implicit part of any web application. There are many packages, libraries, software and extensions out there which help implementing a functional and custom search engine for our web application. However, only a few of those are really intelligent enough to detect a wrong spelling and provide a probable suggestion.